Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And so it begins

Taking a stand is all you can really do. Whether the outcome be what you wish or not, you stood up for what you believed was right and fought. I am not broken. I can never be broken, only deterred. But even then it is the very people that try and break me that bring out the best in me. A knight of truth and justice. I will not sit back and watch the tyranny of disrespect and blatant bias go unchecked. While the rest accept the world as it is, I refuse to let those with a false sense of superiority continue their way of thinking. And so it begins. I will fight the battle that most are unwilling to. I will be the one to shed the light. Thank you for giving me something to believe in again. Myself. I am sure we will see each other soon.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

20 Questions

1. What are some of the customs of your country?
2. Is there a main religion? And if so, which is it?
3. What are the most popular names?
4. Do the names have any special meaning?
5. What is the general climate of your country?
6. What are the political views?
7. What is entertainment like?
8. Why are some forms of entertainment more popular?
9. What is some of the culture that you feel describes your country?
10. What are some of the trends/styles of your youth? Teens? Adults?
11. Which T.V. shows do you feel are the most popular with children? Teens? Adults?
12. What are the highest paying careers that are offered in your country?
13. What is the least paying career/job that is offered?
14. How does the schooling system work?
15. Do you feel that your country is giving a good education to it's youth?
16. What are some of the best selling books? How do top sellers coincide with the U.S.
17. Who are some of the most famous movie stars? Which movies where they in? Are they in the top ten movies?
18. What are some of the gender/racial differences in your country?
19. Do they effect culture in a drastic way?
20. Is there any movement toward being "Green" in your country?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Write Place

I went to the wrong place... I got completely lost.

LEO Work Cited

Work Cited
"LEO Narrative Essays." Welcome to LEO: Literacy Education Online. Web. 17 Sept. 2011. <>.
"Narrative Essay Writing: Help, Ideas, Topics, Examples." Essay Info :: Essay Writing Center. Web. 17 Sept. 2011. <>.

LEO Presentation

Thursday, September 15, 2011

LEO Topic

Writing Narrative Essays For School:
Including: The Conventions and Principles of Narrative Writting / With an emphasis on guiding the reader through the story.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Group Criteria
Criterion 1: incorporation of 12 items   3 points
Criterion 2: interest    3 points
Criterion 3: flow     3 points
Criterion 4: structure    3 points
Criterion 5: grammar and spelling   3 points  

Final Class Criteria
1. Creative use of 12 items (5 Points)
2. Interest (4 Points)
3. Organization/Structure (3 Points)
4. Flow (2 Points)
5. Grammar/Spelling (1 Point)